Create 2,3 or 4 part video series.
Ben Waldeck
Yes, I believe this is an essential feature which could significantly increase watch time and therefore enable channels to grow more quickly.
Josefa Savu
Great idea, perhaps being able to story board or even mindmap the various video ideas and create a structure that AI can use to create videos that follow the set structure.
Would be great also to have the option to provide alot of training material and then ask the script writer to create 3 scripts for the material to allow the creation of a multi part series.
MunilXO XO
What a great idea! creating a series would keep context and also bring viewers back if engaging (even pay).
another idea would be to take some of the longer content options and have option to split in 4 (or more) parts/section.
Gil Hildebrand
Merged in a post:
Creating series of videos for playlists
John Cassidy-Rice
create a series of videos for a playlist that are related and encourage the viewer to watch the next video in the series.
Andy Walker
This feature would also be great to help plan for a Playlist.
Dr. Lynyetta Willis