Adding Call-to-actions
Gil Hildebrand
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Standard intro , outro and plug
FlashFilm Academy
It would be nice if I can create a standard intro and standard outro and a drop or a plug that can be used for sponsored spots or plugs. It would be nice if I can create a standard outro or have seamless outro design to talk about a previous video on your channel.
also CTA for sponsors for example an option to include this video is sponsor by.... etc.
FlashFilm Academy
or the ability to use things like products podcast.
FlashFilm Academy
I think if the platform (that scanned your channel) has the ability to create a ending hook to make viewers want to see a selected video. So for instance, if the platform can take into account your most recent long form video or the ability to select a video. It would be nice if it anilized that video text/subtitles to create this hook. As well as having the ability to insert it at any point of the video. or insert multiple videos. So for instance if we cover a topic we can say something like for more detail on the check out the video in description.
Gil Hildebrand
Merged in a post:
Custom CTA
Julian Sage
Customize the video or product you want the outro CTA to be.
I would like the ability to link to a specific video or a specific product I want to promote.
Would be cool if the tool pulls videos or products it thinks would be applicable and let you select one.
Gil Hildebrand
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
End of Video CTA
David Hockley
Check the channel list and explain to the viewer why they show now watch this other video ("but to really understand this concept, you need to understand XXX. Thankfully I have just the video for you...")
Gil Hildebrand
One thing worth trying is to update the text in the Instructions for the conclusion section. You can give instructions to mention a specific product or video. But I will definitely keep this in mind as a more structured feature to be able to customize the CTA.